Hi mates!

Here we are in Port Macquarie at the moment and on our way to Brisbane. The first stop for our road trip was Blue Mountains which is about 2 h drive from Sydney. Mauri was running smoothly even though it is not the fastest one driving up hill. We went to see the three sisters and some nice water falls. They have some pretty nice views up there... Our first camping night in the tent was not the nicest one... The couple who sold us the car forgot to mention that the mattress did not have a air pump... we were almost fainting when trying to blow some air to the mattress and it was still quite flat and cold :-(. Oh well at least we got some sleep before the birds started their loud and not so pretty morning singing...

Olemme paasseet perille Port Macquarie nimiseen ranta paratiisi kaupunkiin matkallamme Brisbaneen. Ensimmainen pysahdyspaikkamme oli Blue Mountains vuoret ja Mauri poristeli iloisesti parin tunnin matkan perille. Blue Mountainssilla on huippu hienoja nakoalapaikkoja. Kavimme ihmettelemassa muutamia kuvissa olevia maisemia. Ensimmainen yo teltassa oli hiukan kylmahko... auton myynyt pari oli unohtanut mainita etta ilmalla taytettavaan patjaamme ei ollut pumppua... koitimme puhkua patjan ttayteen pikku keuhiollamme, mutta silti se jai aika littanaksi ja maa oli yllattavan kylma vuoristossa keskella yota.

The three sisters

...nice view...

Paula and the falls... (en pyllista kameralle, vaan kokeilen onko vesi kylmaa. On se! I'm only neeling down to try the water, YES its cold!)

In the Blue Mountains there are these caves called Jenolan. You can take all kinds of tours down there. It was a pretty amazing and facinating place... a little bit scary, too. It was really cold and wet down there and there was even a river in the bottom of the caves. They said that it is only 15 degrees in the caves. If you fall asleep on the rocks in there, you'll be gone in two hours! Can you imagine. But they were beautiful. Paula took a 2 h tour up and down the stairs (altogether 1128 stairs and some ladders) and Sanna did the 1 h tour with the other lazy grannies :0).

Blue Mountainsseilla on myos suuri luolaverkosto, Jenolan Caves. Kavimme siella kiertelemassa ja ihmettelemassa kylmia ja kristallisia luolia seka maanalaista jokea. Paula kiersi luolaston aina joen paahan saakka, yhteensa 1128 porrasta jo kolmet kapeat tikkaat ja Sanna kiersi lyhyemman pikakierroksen. Sanoivat, etta luolan 15 asteen lampotilassa ja kosteudessa kiville nukahtava ihminen ei heraa enaa kahden tunnin paasta... Hurjaa, mutta kaunista. Onneksi ei paljoa nukuta kylmassa ja pimeassa. Ehjina, mutta vasyneina paasimme ulos sielta.

The entrance to the caves, luolan sisaankaynti

In side the caves... luolan seina sisalta...

After seeing the caves we headed out to Hunter Valley and spent the weekend in there. The valley was really hot and full of small and huge wine yards. Most of them are still family own businesses. On saturday we took this whole day wine tasting tour around the valley...it was nice as neither of us needed to drive. Our driver was mr. Dave... a quite funny older guy who loves wines. We tasted propably around 50 different wines and in the end they all started to taste pretty much the same... we also tasted some nice local olives and cheeses. We were camping also in Hunter Valley. This time we could pump some air to the mattress but in the middle of the night some crazy guy started running around the camping site... great! The guy run to our neighbours tent... what a nice way to wake up!..camping life can some times be a little scary, too.

Viikonlopun vietimme Hunter Valleyssa viineja maistellen. Lauantaina hyppasimme minibussin kyytiin ja kaartelimme ympari eri viinitiloja.Upeita maisemia, osa viinitiloista naytti suoraan Dallasin kuvauksista. Mm. Lindemans viinit tulevat taalta meille Suomeenkin. Rypalelajeja on useita, jotka tietty tulevat alun perin Euroopasta, mutta osa kasvaa jo paremmin taalla kuin meilla kotimantereella. Mm Semillon ja Shiraz rypaleet ovat parhaimmillaan Hunter Valleyn kuuman auringon alla. Maistelimme lahemmas viittakymmenta eri viinia ja loppupeleissa kaikki alkoivat maistua yllattavan samanlaisilta :0). Telttailimme myos Hunter Valleyssa ja saimme onneksi hommattua pumpun patjaa varten! Telttailu vaan paranee paiva paivalta. Harmi, etta joku humalainen poika pelotteli meita arkoja naisia juoksemalla yolla ympari leirinta-aluetta. Onneksi ei tullut lahelle meidan telttaa ja aamulla naapuriperheen mies kysyi, oliko meilla kaikki ok. Ihanaa, etta naapurit katsovat hieman meidankin peraamme. Tosin Paula olisi kylla saanut niin kovalla voluumilla arrapaita suustaan, jos joku kanniaalio olisi paattanyt kompastua telttanaruihimme.

I do not know how the wines can survive the heat...

mumsmums...Paula tasting some nice wines...

Mauri full of camping gear...Mauri ja meidan roinat...

Oh yes, we have a couple of chairs, too... HC camping meisinki...

...well, we are about to leave Port Macquarie shortly after some shopping and then we'll drive up to Byron Bay... maybe we'll stop by a beach on the way as the weather is so nice and hot! :0)  Life is good down in the Oz! Take care!

...Nyt ollaan telttailtu Port Macquariessa yksi yo ja  kohta lahdemme kohti Byron Bay:ta...mutta ensin vahan shoppailua ja sitten ehka hiukka ruskettumaan rantsuun... Joo joo, on riittavan kovat suojakertoimet ja hatut mukana! Mutta aurinko on niiiiin ihanaa!

Terveisia sinne kotisuomeen! Hoitajalakko sitten vissiin selvisi. Hyva, etta saadaan hoitoa kaamosmasennukseemme sitten tammikuussa  ;-)

Hugs  ja paljon pusuja kaikille

Sanna ja Paula