
I was finally able to find a computer with a little hole for the memory card, yeppee! Please find below some pictures from our road trip...

Yes, vihdoinkin loytyi vehje missa on luukku muistikortille! Ohessa hiukan kuvia matkamme varrelta...

Fraser Island


Lake Mc Kenzie, mielettoman kaunista turkoosia vetta ja kaikki korut tuli vedessa samalla kiillotettua.


Yksi monista Fraser saaren rannoista... one of the many beaches of Fraser Island...


Bundaberg rommitehdas...mumsmums... Bundaberg rum distillery...yamyam...


The beach bar at great Keppel Island...some nice strawberry mojitos...Piitsibaari Great Keppel saarella...


...nice beach at the Great Keppel... ihana ranta Great Keppel saarella...


Paula doing some horse back riding at the Myella farm...oh my god I was so scared when I was taking this picture and trying to ride the horse at the same time... Paula ratsailla...looking good...


Our next riders after the horses... oh yeah... seuraavat ratsut hevosten jalkeen...enemman mun mieleen...


Tasmanian coast line... Tasmaanian kaunista rantsua...


Ruins of Port Arthur jail. This used to be a home for up to 2000 convicts who had been doing crimes after arriving to Australia. It was impossible to escape from here alive since the convicts were not good swimmers and the only road had mean and hangry lines of  dogs just waiting for their dinner to arrive. If the convicts tried to escape to the bush, they were starved to death. So in short, they were pretty much stuck in the place, working long hours for example cutting and carrying pine trees from the forrests around.

Kuvassa Port Arthur vanlikan jaanteet. Vankilassa oli aikanaan jopa 2000 vankia jotka olivat rikosten uusijoita ja jotka olivat tehneet uusia rikoksia myos saavuttuaan Australiaan. Port Arthurista oli mahdotonta paeta silla vangit eivat juurikaan osanneet uida ja ainoa tie oli pullollaan puoliksi nalkiintyneita, ilkeita koiria odottelemassa illallisen saapumista. Mikali vangit yrittivat paeta ymparoiviin metsiin, he kuolivat nalkaan ja janoon ennen kuin paasivat kauaksi vankilasta.

Tomorrow, I am heading up to Melbourne...huomenna Melbourneen...

...to be continued...

